Commodity Insights

Keynote Presentation: Coal in an Uncertain World

Commodity Insights sets the record straight on Queensland's new coal royalty regime

Commodity Insights was pleased to support the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) on the release of our recently commissioned report that examined the impact of Queensland’s new coal royalty regime.

In presenting the findings on Queensland’s new coal royalty rates, Commodity Insights’ Director and Founder Mark Gresswell reminded the audience that prior to the introduction of Queensland’s new coal royalty regime, Queensland already had the equal-highest marginal royalty rate globally (15%) and that with the unprecedented increase, the new maximum rate of 40% this makes Queensland 2.7x higher than the nearest competitor and almost 5x higher than the industry average.

This was followed by Commodity Insights’ Director of Research and Consulting Dr Matt Anderson who demonstrated that the Queensland government’s use of ultra low price assumptions has misled the public about the impact to coal miners and ultimate puts at risk approximately AU$105 billion in future resources projects that would otherwise be the future source of royalties for the state. A summary of the presentation is below and a full copy of the report is available through the form below:

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